
Month: September 2021

Long Lifespan
According to new research, it may be possible for humans to live 130 years or perhaps longer, but the chances of reaching that age are slim. New findings suggest that mortality risk plateaus past 110 For many years now, just how long a human being can live has been the focus of heated debate. Some...
THC logo
A novel cryptocurrency, Transhuman Coin, has recently announced its debut. When a transaction occurs, this coin is automatically distributed back into funding its own growth and the development of research into cures for various disabilities, including age-related disorders. We at Lifespan.io support Transhuman Coin donations on our donations page, and THC has donated 10 million...
Longevity Science Foundation
The Longevity Science Foundation has launched today. This new Swiss foundation has confirmed that it will be committing over $1 billion in the next ten years to research, institutions, and projects advancing healthy human longevity and extending the healthy human lifespan to more than 120 years. We had the opportunity to speak to Garri Zmudze,...
Small meal
A review published in The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences has outlined what effects caloric restriction (CR) has on the development and differentiation of stem cells. Stem cells and their exhaustion The reviewers began by discussing stem cell exhaustion, a hallmark of aging and a common concern of aging research that we have covered extensively....
Scientists have used DNA methylation markers to measure the anti-aging effects of healthy diet and physical activity, reaching interesting, if at times contradictory, results [1]. Move, eat healthy, check your biological age Physical activity (PA) and healthy diet are two powerful interventions that have time and again shown their potential to slow aging. Their importance...
NR molecule
Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is part of the B3 vitamin family. Like other forms of vitamin B3, nicotinamide riboside gets converted into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a coenzyme essential for life. For this reason, it is often called a NAD+ precursor because it is part of the series of chemical steps that are required to create...