
Transhuman Coin Debuts on International Markets

This coin is fundamentally oriented towards medical and biotech research.


THC logoTHC logoTranshuman Coin Debuts on International Markets - YT Video

A novel cryptocurrency, Transhuman Coin, has recently announced its debut. When a transaction occurs, this coin is automatically distributed back into funding its own growth and the development of research into cures for various disabilities, including age-related disorders.

We at Lifespan.io support Transhuman Coin donations on our donations page, and THC has donated 10 million of its coins to Lifespan.io to support our work.

Press Release

AUSTRALIA, September 23, 2021 — Transhuman Coin, a research and charity-oriented cryptocurrency token, has been announced by Transhuman co-founders Dr. Charles Awuzie and Peter Xing. Founded behind an ideology of enhancing human life through science and technology, the token is one of the first on the market to support such causes domestically and internationally.

As a research and charity-oriented token, a portion of every transaction is allocated to fund science and technology initiatives. After the buy, sale, or transfer of a Transhuman Coin, two percent of the transacted value is sent directly to the Liquidity Pool to strengthen the value of Transhuman Coin, while another two percent is redistributed to holders, including the Transhuman Fund Wallet, and another two percent is sent to the Marketing Wallet. Allocated money will be used to support cutting-edge research and development for solutions to diseases, disabilities, and death through science, technology, and human enhancement while rewarding Transhuman Coin token holders.

“We are proud to be the first research and charity-oriented cryptocurrency token on the market,” remarked Dr. Charles Awuzie, a Co-Founder of Transhuman Coin. “We are using the power of cryptocurrencies to fund human enhancement technologies that can positively impact us all. Research into age reversal and longevity is proving increasingly promising, and it is exciting to be supporting initiatives on this front,” he added.

A major goal of the project is to build a Research Center to facilitate cross-disciplinary work between scholars, students, and experts in these areas of science and technology. The center will enhance research opportunities in related fields of research, promote academic excellence, knowledge creation, and solve real-world problems. Organizers plan to launch the center by 2023.

“The Transhuman Fund Wallet is dedicated to this project,” remarked Peter Xing, a Co-Founder of Transhuman Coin. “We embraced a unique vision and ideology of our project. Transhumanism is about transcending the limitations of our human biology through science and technology. The Transhuman Fund Wallet will donate to projects which increase our healthy human lifespans, enhance our intelligence, and improve our wellbeing” he added.

Transhuman Coin is currently listed on Pancakeswap and Coinsbit. To learn more, please read the Transhuman Coin whitepaper.

Website: www.transhumancoin.finance

Alyse SUE (Dev Team) Transhuman Coin [email protected]

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