
Category: Interviews

LBF Interview
The Longevity Biotech Fellowship is one of the most interesting longevity-related initiatives in the last couple of years. Co-founded by Mark Hamalainen and Nathan Cheng, both well-known figures in the longevity field, LBF has been everywhere: presenting at conferences, participating in co-living projects such as Zuzalu and Vitalia, and generally connecting longevity people. The nonprofit's...
Reason Interview
Repair Biotechnologies, a company based in Syracuse, New York, has announced findings from early research suggesting that its technology can quickly stop the advancement of atherosclerosis. While these preclinical results are in mice, this approach has the potential for treating atherosclerosis in humans. In March, the company announced that it had received positive feedback from...
David Sinclair Interview
In this new interview, David Sinclair, Harvard professor and the author of “Lifespan”, explains his theory of aging, shares parts of his health routine, and reveals which directions in today’s aging research excite him. A professor and a public figure In the longevity field, when it comes to name recognition, there’s David Sinclair and all...
Wormbot assays side by side during the million molecule challenge.
Ora Biomedical has created a robot for high-throughput screening of life-extending compounds in worms, and you can buy an experiment for 100 dollars. Things in the longevity field look bright or gloomy, depending on who you ask. It is true that we now understand much more about aging than we did just a few years...
Matthew O'Connor Interview
Cyclarity Therapeutics is developing an affordable, plaque-busting small molecule that may be the cure for the world's number one killer: cardiovascular disease. With human trials planned for this year, we decided that it was time to catch up with Cyclarity and its CEO of Scientific Affairs, Dr. Matthew O’Connor, to see how things were going....
Linden Interview
People come to the longevity field from all walks of life, bringing their unique expertise along. An activist engages in advocacy and fundraising. A physicist applies theories from a specific domain of knowledge. What happens when a philosopher joins in? Naturally, that person writes a book. Patrick Ingemar Linden was born in Sweden but has...