
Tag: Ending Age-Related Diseases 2021

EARD2021 Daniel Belsky
At Ending Age-Related Diseases 2021, Daniel Belsky discussed the DunedinPACE and DunedinPoAm biomarkers and how biomarkers that measure the pace of aging might prove useful in the development of geroprotectors. Script Thanks everyone for sticking it out for this talk. I'm very pleased to join you and be able to share some of the work...
EARD2021 Greg Fahy
At Ending Age-Related Diseases 2021, Greg Fahy discussed TRIIM-X, the ongoing continuation of his original TRIIM trial, along with some surprising findings from it. Script I'm just going to try to update everybody on the TRIIM-X clinical trial. I will explain where that came from, just to make sure everybody has the same background in...
EARD2021 Irina Conboy
At Ending Age-Related Diseases 2021, Irina Conboy discussed the effects of plasma dilution and heterochronic plasma exchange and their relationship to epigenetic alterations. Script Thank you for inviting me again, it's much appreciated. This is an excellent conference series. I will start by telling you that it is my deep belief that the path to...
EARD2021 Tina Woods
At Ending Age-Related Diseases 2021, Elena Milova of Lifespan.io interviewed Tina Woods on the development of a longevity ecosystem, the importance of language, and the social aspects of extending lifespans. Script Elena: Greetings to the participants of Ending Age-Related Diseases 2021. This conference brings together thought leaders and researchers working on rejuvenation biotechnology with the...
Jean Hebert at EARD2021
At Ending Age-Related Diseases 2021, Elena Milova interviewed Dr. Jean Hébert on how the human brain can be restored to youthful function. Script Elena: Greetings to the participants of Ending Age-Related Diseases 2021. This conference brings together thought leaders and researchers working on rejuvenation biotechnology with the goal of extending healthy human life. The supposed...