

Jamie Justice XPRIZE
With the deadline for submissions just around the corner, Jamie Justice, Executive Director of XPRIZE HealthSpan, explains to researchers still on the fence why they should contact her team now but also why missing the deadline is not the end of the world. XPRIZE Foundation has been making history for 30 years with dozens of...
Mehmood Khan Interview
I first met Dr. Mehmood Khan in 2022 at the inaugural Longevity Summit Dublin, where organizers Aubrey de Grey and Martin O’Dea made a bold decision to include policy and advocacy discussions alongside the traditional focus on longevity research. Like many others in the audience, I was captivated by the forceful, engaging, and compelling one-man...
Sergey Young interview
We recently had the opportunity to interview Sergey Young, a board member of XPRIZE and the creator of the $100m Longevity Vision Fund. When did you first become interested in healthy life extension, and why? My interest began with a routine visit to a doctor. Five years ago, at the age of 42, my blood...