July 27, 2021
We recently caught up with Dr. Aubrey de Grey and Michael Rae from SENS Research Foundation (SRF) about the landscape in the field. We asked them two simple questions, and they joined forces to give us their combined insights. Lifespan.io: First, do you think we can defeat aging? Of course I think we can defeat...
June 07, 2019
Not so long ago, it was my 44th birthday, and I've finally decided to write something that I've been reflecting on for a while. To some people, a birthday is a cause for celebration; for others, it is viewed as a bad thing. Yes, if you take the negative view, you could see it as...
October 05, 2018
When asked how long they want to live, people often say no more than ten years above their country's average lifespan. This, mind you, is in a world where aging is still inevitable; people know that they won't be in top shape during those ten extra years, and yet, perhaps hoping that they might be...
July 24, 2018
Today, I would like to tell you two short stories describing what your far future might look like, depending on the choices that you—though not only you—will make in the near future. Feel free to leave a comment to let others know which one you'd rather have as your real future. Story 1: A day...