As the pandemic continues around the world and aging continues to take its toll, there’s plenty of rejuvenation research that has occurred throughout the month of September.
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Brian Kennedy Discusses Preventive Medicine: While Dr. Kennedy discussed many things at his talk at EARD2020, one of his main points was that preventive medicine is critical in fighting the diseases of aging.
Panel Discussion of Public Perception of Longevity: Board Member Elena Milova, Roey Tzezana of XPRIZE, and Maria Entraigues Abramson of SENS Research Foundation discuss what the public knows and thinks about rejuvenation biotechnology.
Rick Kiessig Discusses VTose, a Broad-Spectrum Antiviral: Using a similar but not identical method as DRACO, another attempt at creating a broad-spectrum antiviral, VTose causes virally infected cells to remove themselves via apoptosis.
Rejuvenation Roundup Podcast
Ryan O’Shea of Future Grind hosts this month’s podcast, showcasing the events and research discussed here.
Helpful Information
Alpha-Ketoglutarate: While this supplement is used in bodybuilding, its central role in metabolism makes it of interest to aging researchers. This article explains what this molecule is and what it does in the human body.
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine in Longevity: Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM) is not directly aligned with longevity, but being able to create organs is of obvious interest to anyone who wants to live longer.
Why NAD+ Declines During Aging – Part 2: The second part in this two-part series discusses how NAD+ is made and what it does throughout the human body, including our mitochondria.
Research Roundup
Clinical Evidence for Targeting NAD Therapeutically: This analysis of previous studies discusses the evidence for targeting NAD+ levels as a means of improving patient outcomes.Microglial Cells Successfully Replaced by Transplantation: Microglia in the brain are prone to overactive inflammatory reactions, and this can potentially be staved off by replacing these cells with transplanted substitutes.
Alpha-Ketoglutarate Extends Healthspan in Aging Mice: Alpha-ketoglutarate, a critical molecule that forms part of the basic metabolic cycle, has been shown to extend the lifespan of mice.
Brown Fat Transplantation Reduces Obesity in Mice: Brown fat directly burns glucose to produce heat, and transplanting it into mice reduces the effects of a high-fat diet.
Caloric Restriction Improves DNA Repair in Mice: Caloric restriction is known to promote maintenance in cells, and DNA repair, specifically non-homologous end joining, is one of these maintenance tasks.
Spermidine, a caloric restriction mimetic, provides neuroprotection against oxidative stress and apoptosis: The brains of male rats have been shown to be positively affected by this substitute for caloric restriction, producing less of the inflammatory compound interleukin-6.
A Pesco-Mediterranean Diet With Intermittent Fasting: Combining the Mediterranean diet with time-restricted feeding may be a pathway to a longer lifespan.Methylation Clocks that Measure the Biological Age of Cats: Measuring the age of felines is a first critical step in developing rejuvenation therapies for them.
Underlying features of epigenetic aging clocks in vivo and in vitro: Multiple different clocks can be combined to create a meta-clock that offers greater detail.
Age and life expectancy clocks based on machine learning analysis of mouse frailty: Careful algorithmic analysis of mice allows better use of frailty as an endpoint for rejuvenative interventions.
BMP4 and VEGF Promote Bone Regeneration: By promoting regrowth and vascularization, respectively, BMP4 and VEGF offer hope for people suffering from bone-related ailments.
Senolytic Reverses Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy in Mice: Cisplatin works by platinating the DNA of cancer cells, but this also causes damage to healthy neurons in extremities, making them senescent. Senolytics cause these damaged cells to apoptose (die), reducing inflammation and ameliorating the problem of neuropathy.
A Link Between the Microbiome, Heat, and Osteoporosis: Increased temperatures aid the microbiome in ways that lead to downstream effects, including the maintenance of bone.
Microtubule Stabilization Ameliorates Alzheimer’s Symptoms in Mice: By preventing the disintegration of these cellular highways on which transport proteins walk, researchers have prevented some of the damage caused by Alzheimer’s.
A New Microporous Membrane for Skin Regeneration: By applying a microporous amniotic membrane, researchers have been able to heal wounds better than with ordinary amniotic membranes.
Age-Related Female Fertility Decline Linked to Mitochondrial Mutation: Oocytes contain a great many mitochondria, so it is not surprising that mitochondrial dysfunction, one of the hallmarks of aging, leads to the failrue of egg cells.
The mitochondrial-targeted peptide SBT-20 ameliorates inflammation and oxidative stress in chronic renal failure: By restoring mitochondrial membranes, SBT-20 alleviates certain aspects of mitochondrial dysfunction that lead to inflammation.

By Christian Hummert (Ixitixel) – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
Plant Flavonoid Naringenin Is a Senotherapeutic: Neural stem cells have been shown to have fewer markers of senescence after exposure to this natural compound.
Nanoparticles with Self-Replicating RNA Stop Cancer in Mice: By introducing self-replicating RNA into cancer cells, researchers have been able to cause cancer cells to attract the attention of immune cells.
Spheroids Promote Vascularization in Tissue Regeneration: Vascularization, the development of blood vessels, is critical for tissue development in both regenerative approaches and created organs. This new approach increases the vascularization of tissue.
Age-associated epigenetic changes in chimps and humans: Chimpanzees and humans age in some similar ways, but they age much more rapidly than we do.
The neuromuscular junction is a focal point of mTORC1 signaling in sarcopenia: The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) plays a large role in multiple age-related diseases, and the junctions between nerves and muscle cells are negatively affected by its imbalance.
Time-restricted feeding alters lipid and amino acid metabolite rhythmicity: While restricting feeding times has positive effects on metabolism and causes some regular fluctuations, it does not affect the circadian clock.
Metformin Use Is Associated With Slowed Cognitive Decline and Reduced Incident Dementia: This popular diabetes drug has been shown to have beneficial effects on the brain.
Long-term mid-onset dietary restriction rejuvenates hematopoietic stem cells: These stem cells decrease in function when introduced into an aged environment, but dietary restriction allows them to function better.
Identification of a novel senomorphic agent, avenanthramide C, via the suppression of the SASP: This compound reduces the amount of inflammatory compounds produced by senescent cells.
Exosomes derived from human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells improve neurologic function: Exosomes from stem cells have been shown to promote vascular regeneration, including vessel connectivity and vessel function, in a model of spinal cord injury.
News Nuggets
New iPhone App Measures Biological Age: Deep Longevity and are offering an app to help you keep your biological age under your chronological age.