

Organization Description

Lifespan Extension Advocacy Foundation (LEAF) is a US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in New York City, and relies upon an international team of journalists, scientists, content creators, and other industry experts who are focused on aging research and promoting healthy human longevity through the development of rejuvenation biotechnology and regenerative medicine. To achieve this goal their news outlet publishes daily news stories, our team creates educational videos, we host conferences and events to bring researchers and public together each year, we launch crowdfunding campaigns for research, and engage with policymakers and the general public. LEAF uses Lifespan.io as its public facing brand name.


Marton Toth, Ph.D.

Lifespan.io - Senior Lead, Strategic Development

Keith Comito

Lifespan.io - Co-Founder / President

Oliver Medvedik, Ph.D.

Lifespan.io - Co-Founder / Vice President / Head of Research - Mindset

Stephanie Dainow

Lifespan.io - Executive Director

Steve Hill

Lifespan.io - Editor-in-Chief / Board Director

Josh Conway

Lifespan.io - Editor / Journalist

Christie Sacco

Lifespan.io - Social Media Manager

Paul A. Spiegel, J.D.

Lifespan.io - Board Director - Legal Counsel

Andrew Aiello

Lifespan.io - Board Director

Richard Kaufman

Lifespan.io - Director

Javier Noris

Lifespan.io - Board Director

Pranav Lakherwal

Lifespan.io - Chief of Staff

Arkadi Mazin

Lifespan.io - Science Journalist

Anna Drangowska-Way, Ph.D.

Lifespan.io - Science Writer

Maria Isabella

Lifespan.io - Science Journalist

Stephen Christopher Rose

Lifespan.io - Science Journalist

James Hale

Lifespan.io - Partnerships Lead

Robert Grisham

Lifespan.io - Life Noggin

Emmett Short

Lifespan.io - Lifespan News

Ryan O’Shea

Lifespan.io - Lifespan News

Mattijs Vonk

Lifespan.io - Marketing

Pat Graziosi

Lifespan.io - Life Noggin

Ryan McGarry

Lifespan.io - Researcher - Mindset

Jake Mabey

Lifespan.io - Marketing

Tim Maupin

Lifespan.io - Filmmaker / Science to Save the World