
Month: February 2017

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The SENS Research Foundation (SRF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose focus is on developing and ensuring widespread access to rejuvenation biotechnologies meant to bring the pathologies of old age under comprehensive medical control. SRF was co-founded in March 2009 by Michael Kope, Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Jeff Hall, Sarah Marr, and Kevin Perrott. The approach to...
Today, February 21, is the birthday of Jeanne Louise Calment – the oldest verified human being ever, who managed to live an amazing 122 years and 164 days! Jeanne was an independent and positive person, and she managed to live all alone until age 110. After a fire in her apartment, she moved into a nursing home,...
Old lady looking sad
The development pipeline for new drugs and therapies is a long one, and, on average, it can take up to 17 years to research, test, and bring a new drug to market [1]. The reasons for this are myriad and complex, and they include the demanding test phases required for safety and efficacy, preclinical tests,...
Most of the generation born in the 1980s enjoyed watching the science-fiction adventure comedy film "Back to the Future". The plot is built around the idea that, by using a time machine, one can go back in time to fix things that have gone wrong in order to help the present get back to normal...
Today, we will cover a story about how a member of our community, Mike Daniels, car mechanic turned cancer researcher, was inspired by the work of the SENS Research Foundation to address age-related diseases. What follows is an emotional, gritty but honest life story of someone who took action and is now doing amazing things in his life...
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, women make approximately 80% of the health care decisions for their families.
  The world is currently experiencing a period of rapid population aging, with estimates stating that by 2050, about 22% of the global  population will be aged 60 years or older;  by the end of this century, that percentage might be potentially as high as 33%. This trend is so pronounced worldwide and so impactful...