
Juvenescence: Investing in the Age of Longevity

A Biologist's Review of this longevity and aging research book.


Jim Mellon and Al Chalabi are back with another successful venture into the world of science investment. Following their acclaimed 2012 book “Cracking the code”, whose spotlight was on the life sciences industry, Juvenescence takes us on a compelling journey through the dawning market of longevity and rejuvenation biotechnology, which the authors predict will be the biggest “money fountain” to hit the financial world in the coming years.

Juvenescence: Investing in the Age of Longevity is a visionary book, debunking the sometimes questionable past of longevity research and steering us towards a ‘brave new world’ in which advances in medicine are already leading to clinical trials whose aim is to extend human lifespan to unprecedented levels.

Mellon and Chalabi come across as eloquent devotees of cold, hard science, and for a book targeted primarily at investors, biologists and experts will be hard-pressed to find inaccuracies in the many heavily technical sections. The authors explain the science of aging in an engaging and accessible manner, bridging the gap between the lab and the public with ease and tact. They employ elegant metaphors to explain complex processes as well as some light-hearted ones, including the “Deadly Quintet”, which reads more like the title of a long-lost Tarantino film, or the “Actuarial Escape Velocity”, a reference to the controversial “Longevity Escape Velocity” promoted by Aubrey de Grey. Mellon and Chalabi use state-of-the-art research whenever possible, with recent, fresh-from-the-lab studies making up the majority of sources.

It’s almost like two books for the price of one

In a way, Juvenescence feels like getting two books for the price of one. Whether you are a businessman looking for a new venture or a young researcher wishing to learn more about the biology of aging, this book offers an invaluable treasure trove of information. On one hand, investors wishing to get a grasp on the market need only look at the portfolios at the end of the book, which contains a short introduction to each company, including market valuation, and contains handy recommendations on investment opportunities.

There is even a practical guide to key opinion leaders and relatable bite-size information on their affiliated companies, making Juvenescence an up-to-date ‘who’s who’ guide to longevity.


Eterna is a clothing company with a focus on longevity.

On the other hand, scientists and the curious alike will enjoy the scientific tone and conscientious detail of Juvenescence. Written in an accessible language complete with a full glossary of technical terms, Mellon and Chalabi give us the lowdown on CRISPR, telomeres, GDF-11, hormone replacement, Myc, and many more, as well as some lesser-known genes, such as KL and INDY.

It’s good but lacking in some areas

Experts on longevity may find that the section on theories of aging falls somewhat short of the mark, however, particularly the focus on evolutionary theories of aging, which comes across as outdated. The theories of aging seem picked and mixed about almost at random, as do the explanatory boxes in the book, while some important hallmarks of aging, such as nutrient sensing and cellular communication, are left almost entirely out of the picture.

That being said, Juvenescence offers the reader a reliable, if sometimes surprisingly technical, overview of the contemporary landscape of aging research.

Finally, Juvenescence includes a discerning practical guide to personal longevity for anyone looking to get started on the path to a longer, healthier life, including diet and exercise tips which have long been shared by the longevity community. Mellon and Chalabi demystify “superfoods” and “wonder vitamins”, and they are careful to point out the potentials and risks in equal measure, giving us a no-frills account of the best longevity practices without the hype.

All in all, Juvenescence is a well-researched bird’s-eye view of the latest advances in medical science, and, although hardly exhaustive, gives us a generous glimpse into this fascinating field. Mellon and Chalabi literally ‘look forward’ to an age when biomedical advances will render us young, healthy, and – if we follow their advice – very rich!


An advertisement banner for PartiQular supplements.

If you are interested in learning more check out an advocate’s review of the same book, but written from the perspective of a non-biologist.

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About the author
Kali Carrigan

Kali Carrigan

Kali Carrigan is a freelance research specialist at the Forever Healthy Foundation, and a devoted public advocate for research on aging and longevity. Her background is in genetics–where she has worked as a cancer researcher– and psychology, where she has carried out several projects on narratives of death, and the effects of mortality salience on health-oriented behavior. At the moment, she is writing her M.A thesis on the semiotics of death in contemporary Europe and the United States. Formerly, Kali has worked as a palliative care counselor, an experience which helped shape her views on the need for increased advocacy in the public and legislative spheres. As a writer and translator, Kali has authored articles on longevity as an imperative both at the individual and global level, bringing together the ethical, scientific, and health aspects of aging in one unified vision. She was one of the first translators of Aubrey de Grey’s groundbreaking book “Ending Aging” into Spanish. Through consulting and advocacy, Kali hopes to bring the advances of longevity science to the general public by providing clear and accessible information on the benefits of longevity for the pursuit of health and wellbeing.