
Kali Carrigan

About Kali Carrigan

Kali Carrigan is a freelance research specialist at the Forever Healthy Foundation, and a devoted public advocate for research on aging and longevity. Her background is in genetics–where she has worked as a cancer researcher– and psychology, where she has carried out several projects on narratives of death, and the effects of mortality salience on health-oriented behavior. At the moment, she is writing her M.A thesis on the semiotics of death in contemporary Europe and the United States. Formerly, Kali has worked as a palliative care counselor, an experience which helped shape her views on the need for increased advocacy in the public and legislative spheres. As a writer and translator, Kali has authored articles on longevity as an imperative both at the individual and global level, bringing together the ethical, scientific, and health aspects of aging in one unified vision. She was one of the first translators of Aubrey de Grey’s groundbreaking book “Ending Aging” into Spanish. Through consulting and advocacy, Kali hopes to bring the advances of longevity science to the general public by providing clear and accessible information on the benefits of longevity for the pursuit of health and wellbeing.

Articles from this author

Creatine helps to build muscle and may slow down aging.
Meat is rich in creatine, an important energy buffer in muscle cells, and the main constituent of a popular sports supplement used by athletes. However, we're now finding out that there’s more to it than 'meats' the eye. What is creatine? Creatine (α-methyl guanidine-acetic acid) is a substance that is present in our muscle cells....
Some people do not believe aging will be solved in their lifetime.
For much of human history, living up to a ripe old age was seen as a gift from the gods, an aberration, or just the product of sheer luck. Given that up to the beginning of the twentieth century, many of us succumbed to disease at an early age, being extremely fortunate to live past...
In the course of the last century, science fiction has been a harbinger of things to come. From the automatic sliding doors of Star Trek to visual communication, cyberspace, and even the moon landing, many of our present technological achievements were dreamed up in the futuristic visions of science fiction authors of the 1960s and...
Jim Mellon and Al Chalabi are back with another successful venture into the world of science investment. Following their acclaimed 2012 book “Cracking the code”, whose spotlight was on the life sciences industry, Juvenescence takes us on a compelling journey through the dawning market of longevity and rejuvenation biotechnology, which the authors predict will be...