
Lifespan.io crowdfunds for aging and rejuvenation research.

What is Fiscal Sponsorship?

Fiscal Sponsors are 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organizations which can provide support to and receive charitable contributions for specific projects that are in agreement with their non-profit mission statement. It is a means by which the 501(c)(3) organization LEAF can support projects that agree with our nonprofit mission, regardless of whether they are run by non-profit or for-profit entities.

Working with a fiscal sponsor enables an organization that does not itself qualify as tax-exempt to attract funding for its project that will, through the fiscal sponsor, be potentially tax-deductible to donors.

Why work with us?

  • Project Advisement – Our team is committed to making every project on Lifespan.io a success, and will provide active support with your campaign. Scientific advisement to facilitate the achievement of project goals is also available through the expertise of our Scientific Advisory Board.
  • Crowd Engagement – Launching a campaign on Lifespan.io will put your project in front of a targeted community of contributors already interested in your work. We will work together with you to figure out the best ways to engage them in your project.
  • Charitable Contributions – Through Fiscal Sponsorship Lifespan.io is able to receive charitable donations on behalf of your project, potentially tax-deductible to the donor, and thus provide access to contributions which your organization may not otherwise be in a position to receive.

What is required to be eligible for Fiscal Sponsorship through Lifespan.io?

To be eligible for Fiscal Sponsorship via Lifespan.io a project must meet the following criteria:

  • The project must be in accordance with our non-profit mission to promote the advancement of biomedical technologies which will increase healthy human lifespan.
  • The project must have clearly defined goals.
  • The project results must be made publically available in some form (patent, publication, etc.), in a timely manner upon project completion.

Upon project approval our Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement must also be agreed to and signed.