
Tag: Researchers

Jeanne Calment has the claim of being the longest lived human, but two researchers believe this claim may be false. Is the oldest recorded human being potentially a hoax? If you open an article dedicated to supercentenarians, it is very likely that at its very beginning, you will see the name of Jeanne Calment, the...
The thymus gland is located at the top of the breastbone and is where the majority of T cells are produced by the immune system. One can think of the thymus as being like an army camp where new soldiers are trained and given their weapons to fight invading forces; in this case, the T...
Many of you will likely already know who Professor George Church is, and that he is an important and senior member of the research community engaged in treating the aging processes to prevent or reverse age-related diseases, not to mention all kinds of other applications for genetic engineering. For those who are not familiar with...
During the recent International Longevity and Cryopreservation Summit in Madrid, LEAF Board member Elena Milova had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Jose Luis Cordeiro, new fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) and long-term proponent of innovation technologies in many fields. Jose shared his vision on how public perception of rejuvenation technologies is...
LEAF/Lifespan.io is teaming up with the Major Mouse Testing Program (MMTP) for a special longevity panel with Dr. Alexandra Stolzing, Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Dr. Oliver Medvedik and a number of guests. The MMTP will be streaming the panel live to their Facebook page and we invite you to join us. The panel will also...
Today, we bring you an interview with Dr. Marvin Formosa, director of the International Institute on Ageing of the United Nations, Malta (INIA). First, let's find out how the issue of population aging was first introduced into the agenda of the United Nations and why the UN body focused on aging is located in Malta....