
Crowdsourcing Cures


Organization Description

Crowdsourcing Cures is an organization that aims to cure neurological diseases by utilizing the power of big data. They collect information on people’s food choices and daily habits to determine which compounds and practices are beneficial for health. As of May 2022, the organization has gathered 10 million points of data from 10,000 individuals, and they make this anonymized data available to the public for free.

The founder Mike P. Sinn gave a talk about his organization at the Ending Age-Related Diseases 2022 conference.

By making this data accessible to the public, Crowdsourcing Cures hopes to encourage collaboration and innovation in the field of neurological research. Researchers, scientists, and even individuals with a keen interest in health can now analyze this vast pool of information to uncover patterns and potential breakthroughs. This democratization of data has the potential to accelerate the discovery of effective treatments and preventive measures for neurological diseases.

The organization understands the importance of privacy and takes great care to ensure that all data shared is completely anonymized. This means that personal information such as names, addresses, and contact details are stripped away, protecting the privacy of the individuals who generously contributed their data. Crowdsourcing Cures believes that by prioritizing privacy, they can build trust and encourage more people to participate in their data collection efforts.

To further promote collaboration, Crowdsourcing Cures hosts regular hackathons and research challenges, inviting experts from various fields to come together and brainstorm innovative solutions. These events serve as a platform for cross-disciplinary collaboration, where data scientists, neurologists, nutritionists, and other professionals can exchange ideas and insights. The organization also provides grants and funding opportunities to support promising research projects that align with their mission.

In addition to their data collection efforts, Crowdsourcing Cures actively engages with the public through educational campaigns and awareness programs. They believe that knowledge is power, and by empowering individuals with information about neurological diseases, they can encourage early detection and proactive lifestyle changes. Through partnerships with schools, community centers, and healthcare organizations, they strive to reach a wider audience and promote a culture of health and well-being.

As the organization continues to grow, Crowdsourcing Cures envisions a future where neurological diseases are no longer a source of fear and uncertainty. By harnessing the power of big data and fostering collaboration, they are paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and personalized treatments. With each new data point and every individual who joins their cause, they move one step closer to a world where neurological diseases are conquered, and everyone can live a life free from their burdens.


Mike P. Sinn

Crowdsourcing Cures - Founder