
Tag: Advocacy

LBF Interview
The Longevity Biotech Fellowship is one of the most interesting longevity-related initiatives in the last couple of years. Co-founded by Mark Hamalainen and Nathan Cheng, both well-known figures in the longevity field, LBF has been everywhere: presenting at conferences, participating in co-living projects such as Zuzalu and Vitalia, and generally connecting longevity people. The nonprofit's...
For our readers in the Northern Hemisphere, the summer has begun! The weather isn't the only thing heating up, as we have been busy advocating for research on aging! Lifespan.io at the Rejuvenation Startup Summit The Lifespan.io team was recently at the Rejuvenation Startup Summit in Berlin hosted by the Forever Healthy Foundation. This is...
Linden Interview
People come to the longevity field from all walks of life, bringing their unique expertise along. An activist engages in advocacy and fundraising. A physicist applies theories from a specific domain of knowledge. What happens when a philosopher joins in? Naturally, that person writes a book. Patrick Ingemar Linden was born in Sweden but has...
Andrew Steele Interview
Andrew Steele is a physicist who became interested in longevity several years ago and began a career as a bioinformatician before becoming a longevity advocate, quickly making a name for himself with numerous media appearances. In 2021, Steele authored Ageless, which we reviewed back then, crowning it as one of the best entry-level books in...
Christmas Editorial
The holidays are here, and it’s time for a well-earned rest and some festive fun with family and friends! We will take a look at what the Lifespan.io team has been up to recently, so sit back, relax, and enjoy a mince pie while you read the Christmas Editorial! We have been working hard bringing...
Dublin Longevity Declaration
The Dublin Longevity Declaration, an unprecedented initiative that aims to change humanity’s perception of aging, is scooping signatures at a record pace. The need for a paradigm shift Last August, hundreds of longevity enthusiasts, from certified geroscience stars to graduate students, gathered in Dublin for the annual Longevity Summit conference. As the attendants were enjoying...