
Month: May 2022

Antique clock
Scientists have shown that only some of the hallmarks of aging affect methylation clocks that are used to measure biological age [1]. The big black box Epigenetic clocks that measure biological age based on aging-related changes in genome methylation have been a great success. They enable researchers to analyze the effects of various interventions on...
Lab mouse in hand
Researchers publishing in Aging have found that the anti-malarial drug chloroquine increases lifespan in male NRMI mice. The NRMI, like the Black 6, is a standard breed widely used in research, and these mice were not directly genetically modified. Substantial positive lifespan effects We have previously reported a study showing that choloroquine increases longevity in...
Cellular membrane
Scientists have learned that plasmalogens, obscure but important lipids, serve as a mediator of neurogenesis and synaptic health and can reverse age-related cognitive decline in mice [1]. Plasmalogens and membranes Plasmalogens are a subtype of phospholipids, the molecules that cellular membranes are mostly made of. Plasmalogens are especially abundant in brain, heart, and immune cells,...
Cells Under Microscope
A team of researchers publishing in Aging has developed a method of identifying senescent cells through their physical morphology, potentially making future senescence research much easier. Senescent cells look different Before modern biomarkers of senescence were eludicated, cell size was considered to be one of its defining features, and the researchers cite a 1969 paper...
Blood pressure
A recent study from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, conducted by Dr. Wuxiang Xie and colleagues, examined the association of blood pressure with cognitive decline, dementia, and mortality [1]. This study included two cohorts: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). In this analysis, 7,566...
Lithium Pills
A study published in Plos Medicine has shown that lithium decreases the risk of developing dementia and some of its subtypes, including Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia [1]. Enigmatic but effective According to WHO, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias were the second-leading cause of death in high-income countries and the seventh globally in 2019. To...