
Month: May 2020

Could a vaccine approach to removing harmful senescent cells that accumulate with age be an alternative to senolytic drugs, which destroy them? Some researchers certainly believe it might and have published a new mouse study showing just that. What are senescent cells? As you age, increasing numbers of your cells enter into a state known...
HAGR logo
The Human Ageing Genomic Resources (HAGR) is a collection of curated databases and tools designed to help researchers study the genetics of human aging through modern approaches such as functional genomics, network analyses, systems biology and evolutionary analyses. One of the many databases in the HAGR family is CellAge, which contains information about 279 genes...
Researchers from the Laboratory for Cell Function Dynamics in Japan have developed a new method for detecting mitophagy, the process of recycling damaged mitochondria. The Necessity of Mitophagy Our mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells, turning the food we eat into ATP, the form of chemical energy that our cells use. However, over time,...
Keith on The Damage Report
As part of our mission to engage the wider public audience, Lifespan.io President Keith Comito has recently appeared on the Damage Report, a politics and current events show hosted by John Iadarola, political host for the online news network The Young Turks. Regardless of anyone's political leanings, it is important that we engage with the...
Recently, a group of South Korean scientists has analyzed the blood proteome of mice to determine how it changes with age and to identify aging-related proteins that have previously eluded researchers. After identifying several such proteins, the group focused on a specific protein, cadherin-13, that seems to prevent age-related bone loss [1]. The plasma proteome...
Circadian Rhythm Sleep
A new study may shed some light on how aging and circadian rhythms may be linked by discovering a role for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) in preventing the age-related disruption of circadian rhythms in mice. A circadian rhythm is an automatic process that regulates a cycle of behavioral changes and repeats roughly every 24 hours....