
Month: July 2022

Future Clock
In an important step for the longevity field, scientists have found that epigenetic age acceleration, as measured by four popular methylation clocks, is correlated with aging and mortality in humans [1]. Lack of human data Studying aging obviously requires having reliable biomarkers of aging. Epigenetic clocks that utilize the correlation between aging and genome methylation...
brain vasculature
Researchers publishing in GeroScience have reported that the age-related decline in IGF-1 levels is associated with neurovascular aging [1]. IGF-1 and brain vasculature BrainThe brain is perhaps the most important organ in the body. While many organs are critical to our survival, the brain contains the self. It is responsible for personality and consciousness and...
A new study published in Frontiers of Pharmacology has shown that glutamine deprivation might speed up aging while glutamine supplementation reduces oxidative stress-induced senescence in mice [1]. Glutamine is an amino acid of paramount importance for many cellular functions. It is involved in the synthesis of various crucial molecules, such as the neurotransmitter glutamate and...
Elderly poverty
Scientists have shown that social frailty – a composite index based on income level, household status, and social activity – significantly affects all-cause mortality in the elderly, with poverty being the predominant factor [1]. There is more than one way to be frail Physical frailty is a known companion of aging and a major risk...
Rat eating blueberry
A study published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity has shown how blueberry extract moderately improves several age-related biomarkers in the livers of aging male rats. Rich in polyphenols In their introduction, the researchers describe polyphenols, a broad category of plant compounds that includes flavonoids. Specifically, blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, a group of polyphenols...
NK cell
Scientists have shown that the effectiveness of natural killer cells, a crucial component of the immune system, is directly linked to NAD+ levels [1]. Naturally deadly Natural killer cells (NK) are an important part of the innate immune system. They got this designation, in arguably the best act of naming in the history of cellular...