
Ending Age-Related Diseases 2020 May Update


Early Bird EARD2020Early Bird EARD2020

There has been a lot happening with the Ending Age-Related Diseases 2020 conference, so today is ideal for sharing some of the exciting things that we have planned.

Catch the early bird!

First things first: Time is running out to get an Early Bird discount for what will be the biggest online aging research conference in the world!

Right now, we are offering a 10% discount off the price of both the regular and premium tickets for the event, but hurry, this offer expires May 22nd.

Both tickets give you access to all of the main event content and recordings and will allow you to participate in polls, open chats, and discussions. The premium ticket will additionally get you access to the special breakout sessions, where you will be able to meet the researchers as part of the premium networking program.


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The big names in research will be there

We are bringing together some of the biggest names in aging research together for two days of action-packed science and biotech investment talks, interviews, discussion panels and more.

Dr. Aubrey de Grey is going to be leading the charge

No conference about aging research would be complete without including Dr. Aubrey de Grey from SENS Research Foundation, one of the pioneers of the repair-based approach to aging and age-related disease.

For many years, Dr. de Grey has been a crusader for the development of therapies that repair the damage that aging causes, and we are delighted that he is joining us again this year and will be the keynote speaker for day one.


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Aging research powerhouse Dr. Brian Kennedy will be there

This year, we are joined by Dr. Brian Kennedy, who is well known and internationally respected for his research on the basic biology of aging and translating those findings into new ways of delaying, detecting, and preventing human aging and associated diseases.

Dr. Kennedy is an amazingly positive force in the field of aging research, and we are very happy that he will be joining us this year as the keynote speaker for day two of the conference.

World class senescent cell expert Dr. Judith Campisi is speaking

We could not be more pleased to confirm that one of the great pioneers of senescent cell research, Dr. Judith Campisi, will be speaking at the conference this year.


Based at the Buck Institute for research on aging, Dr. Campisi has been one of the driving forces for senescent cell research and the resulting interest in the senescent cell-clearing therapies known as senolytics. She has also made significant contributions to research understanding why aging is the greatest single risk factor for developing cancer.

Senolytics pioneer Dr. James Kirkland confirmed

We are proud to announce that Dr. James Kirkland from the Mayo Clinic has confirmed that he will be speaking at our conference this year. Dr. Kirkland has been a trailblazer in the development of senolytics.

Dr. Kirkland and his team study cellular senescence, age-related adipose tissue, metabolic dysfunction, and the development of therapies that target fundamental aging mechanisms in order to treat age-related chronic diseases and disabilities.

These are only a small sample of the amazing speakers that we have lined up for this upcoming conference.

A treat for you to enjoy from EARD2019

The upcoming conference will not only include exciting talks but will also have discussion panels between leading experts covering a variety of aging-related topics. As a small taste of what to expect, we want to share a previously unpublished discussion panel video from the EARD2019 conference last year.

This panel was hosted by LEAF Vice President Dr. Oliver Medvedik, with guests Dr. Andrei Gudkov of the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Dr. Vera Gorbunova of Rochester University, Dr. Ronald Kohanski of the National Institute of Aging, and Dr. Vadim Gladyshev of Harvard Medical School. The researchers discussed ways to fund basic research on the mechanisms of aging in order to pave the way for future therapies, which is just as important this year as it was last year.

We hope that you enjoy this panel, and you can rest assured that we will be bringing you more engaging discussions during this year’s conference.

Not long to get your ticket

This is going to be an amazing two days of science that you will not want to miss. There are only 7 days to go before the early bird offer ends, so act now to secure your ticket!

See you in cyberspace!

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